Man In A Bathrobe Rushes To Save A Dog From A Coyote

When we have a dog in our lives, they are more than a family pet. They are a full-fledged member of the family and are treated as such.

Sometimes, we will even go out of our way and go to great lengths in order to ensure that our dog is safe, happy, and healthy. Nobody knows this better than Timothy Snipe, and his day took quite a turn.

Roxy, his small Chihuahua was out in the yard when something went wrong. A coyote had wandered in and the Chihuahua, although small, was ready to take care of business.

Meanwhile, Timothy was relaxing in some slippers in a bathrobe but he recognized that his little dog was in danger. He couldn’t allow the dog to get hurt, so he went into hero mode.

Suddenly, you can see Timothy running across the yard in his red bathrobe, doing everything that he can to protect his little friend. When he ran up to the coyote, he was going to face the trouble head-on.

Timothy did get bit a few times by the coyote but he was determined to stop the animal from attacking his little dog. At one point, he even grabbed the coyote by the tail, carried him over to a dumpster, and dropped him in.

You can see this for yourself and hear the story in the following video:

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