Bobby Sherman Goes From Teen Idol To Cop That Delivered 5 Babies

We all tend to change as we get older and there are times when we may be one thing and within a few years, we are someone completely different. Bobby Sherman is someone who experienced this in real life.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Bobby Sherman was a household name. He was a singer and musician that was at the top of the charts and he had thousands of screaming fans following him around at all times.

His music career was going great in the 1960s and he sold millions of copies of his records but he made a change in life. Eventually, he would go from a musician to a paramedic and then a police officer.

When you think about famous individuals from the 1960s, you might think about the Beatles or Elvis Presley. Bobby Sherman was definitely in the same league and he was a teen idol that was known by millions.

He also did quite well financially, as he likely grossed up to $20 million from his record sales. Undoubtedly, that money has helped him in life but he wasn’t all about the paycheck.

Not only did he have a full bank account, he also had a full schedule and it was eventually getting to him. He said that at one point, he was experiencing a hectic schedule for three years and he didn’t even know what home was.

When he had his sons, Christopher and Tyler, he decided to take on a different project. He loved Main Street in Disneyland and he wanted to have something similar in his own backyard.

Disney eventually provided him with the set of plans and he took two years to build his children a magical place at the cost of $15,000. Diane Disney Miller, Walt Disney’s daughter was the first to see it and she was convinced that her father would’ve loved it.

His wife, Patti was not as happy with the project and she hated the construction noise. She even threatened him at one point to get him to hurry up and finish the project.

Meanwhile, his fans were all too happy with his music, his family life, and his desire to build a theme park in his backyard. His wife also had a lot of nice things to say about him, and eventually they got married in 1971.

They would spend time at his parent’s house and listen to records together. Their dates were simple, and at one point they even took a long drive together and ended up at the beach after hours. He said he had lost his keys, dug in the sand for hours, and then then found them in his pocket. She thought it was hilarious.

Eventually, Bobby decided to step away from the limelight but he wasn’t retiring. He built a studio in his garage and continued to record for films and television shows. At this point in his life, he was more interested in being a father.

After caring for his kid’s bumps and bruises, he decided to take a first-aid CPR class and he really liked it. Eventually, he took it on the road and gave people medical attention as a paramedic. He then went to the Police Department Training Academy and became a sworn police officer in 1992.

His new job would allow him to teach others how to handle emergency situations and he always was very public about the need for people to take CPR classes.

Something else that Bobby was able to do is to bring five babies into the world while he was a police officer. In one case, the woman did not have any prenatal care and she had no idea she was due for delivery. She flagged down his car and he delivered a healthy baby girl.

There were times when people would recognize him when he was out and about as a paramedic. He would give people autographs and sometimes, they would even recognize him when they were in the middle of an emergency.

Unfortunately, he got divorced after admitting he had emotionally and physically abused his wife. He lived in Los Angeles so his boys could visit.

Life does change, and it certainly did change for Bobby Sherman. He is now in his late 70s and still looking good. He also keeps busy with the Brigitte and Bobby Sherman Children’s Foundation.

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