Little Boy Melts Millions Of Hearts When He Does The Unexpected At A Wedding

Many people will tell you that chivalry is dead. They feel as if it is a thing of the past and that nobody shows this kind of human kindness any longer.

Every once in a while, however, you get a peek behind the scenes and you get to see that chivalry is not dead. In fact, it is alive and doing well but it is not something that everybody takes part in.

Sometimes, this type of human interaction takes place at a special event, such as a wedding. We may see chivalry being given and received on multiple occasions, but we get to see it in a special way in a video we have for you below.

One of the things that many people love about weddings is when the children get involved. The little boy and girl on the dance floor in this video were completely dressed for the occasion and they were absolutely adorable.

Something happened during the dance, however, that really took everyone by surprise. On their own, they were winning the hearts of everyone in attendance but the innocence and charm that was shown was more than most people can handle.

The little girl was on the dance floor and lost her balance, falling to the ground. The music continued to play but the boy was not paying attention to the music any longer, he was watching his friend.

He bent over to check on her, and you could tell how concerned he was by the look on his face. After he realized she was all right, he grabbed her hand and helped her to stand up and it was a perfect moment in time.

This is an active chivalry that everybody in attendance that day is going to remember. Thankfully, it was also captured in video so you can watch it below and remember it as well.

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