Homeless Man’s Life Is Changed After He Throws A Birthday Party For His Dogs

We live in a world that often captures moments in time and shares them with thousands or perhaps even millions of other people. Since we now carry a little video camera with us everywhere we go, it seems as if almost any moment can become a special moment.

There are times, however, when the special moments just seem to be much bigger than others. This includes when Choko José Luis Matos was filmed along with his dogs, and it is a beautiful story.

Choko José Luis Matos lives on the streets of Bucaramanga, Columbia, and many people in the area are familiar with him and his dogs. Those dogs, Shaggy and Nena have been his constant companions and they are more than family to him.

It was a video, however, they captured a special moment between him and his beloved pets that brought him to Internet fame. He was so dedicated to them that he was actually celebrating Shaggy’s birthday and showed a lot of love to the pups.

If this wasn’t enough, the homeless man had somehow acquired a cake with candles and he was sharing that special moment with the dogs he loved so much. Choko’s moment went viral online and people could not get enough of it.

Even though he was in dire circumstances, he spent the money that he had to purchase the dogs a cake. It was easy to see that he will go the extra mile for the ones he cared about.

After the video went viral on Facebook, viewers were moved and began commenting and sharing. People from around the world were expressing how much they appreciated the love Choko showed for his dogs. It was a reminder that many people needed.

Also, there were many strangers who began offering their help through donations of money, along with various essentials. They wanted to make sure that the three of them were taken care of and after receiving the money, he got a place to stay so they had a roof over their heads.

The Internet is a very powerful tool when it is used properly. This is one example of how it can actually change lives.

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