He Found Out His Girlfriend Ignored Her Daughter So He Dumped Her In Front Of The Entire Family

It doesn’t matter who we are, we are going to have secrets. We sometimes keep those secrets to ourselves for the majority of our lives, and at other times, they may come out at the most inappropriate times.

Secrets are not necessarily a bad thing but when they involve our loved ones and can impact others, we may want to consider sharing them. What a secret is out in the open, it can help clear the air and our relationships can move forward.

The secret that the woman had in the following story was too much for her boyfriend to bear. In fact, he did something that shocked the entire family, and now he is wondering if he went too far.

I (31M) stated dating my now Ex-Gf (27F) about 6 months ago. 2 months ago she moved into my apartment and everything was going great. Until this weekend when she decided she wants me to meet her family.

We drove there on Saturday and i meet her parents. About 30 minutes into the visit a 10 year old girl opened the front door saw my Gf, yelled “Mom” and hugged my Gf.

I was quite surprised because she never mentioned she had a daughter. After about 5 more minutes of conversation i realised that the whole time my Gf was living with me i know for a fact she never drove to visit her daughter and i can recall any phonecall to her either.

So I asked the the girl when was the last time she talked to her mother? And after some thinking i get told “Sometime before Summer break ” (at least 2 months).

And that was basically it for me. I stuck it out for another 15 min and when the girl had left the room, i told my Gf ,right there at the table, that it won’t work out. I can’t be together with someone that would just dump their own child like that.

We drove back to my apartment, with her pleading the entire time and promising she would change. I packed up all her stuff and drove her back to her parents.

So AITA for ending it like that in front of her parents?

Edit: There seems to be some misunderstanding that’s probably my fault for how i wrote this. I wasn’t asking AITA for breaking up with her. I wanted to know AITA for how i did it.

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