Randy Travis Breaks Down After His Friend Is Shot Dead By Enraged Wife

Most people know Randy Travis because of the country music he has performed. Recently, however, he has gone on social media to express his condolences for the loss of a close friend and former stagehand.

Randy Travis confirmed the death of the stagehand who used to help him when he was touring. Thomas Roberts died, and Travis posted on Facebook: “With the passing of Thom Roberts, the stage has dimmed.”

He went on to call Thomas, “a gentle giant of a man who wore a constant smile on his face and carried a song in his heart. A nicer, gentler attitude would take a lifetime to find.”

“Thom was my friend, and I loved him. The music will not be as wonderful when we return to the road next week for Randy Travis’ “More Life” tour, but I will be reminded of the blessing I was given to having Thom Roberts on the road with us for so many miles and so many memories.”

“It certainly won’t be the same; and, I know I speak for the entire band and crew when I say, the light that he truly created, in our hearts, will never be extinguished or forgotten,” Travis added. “Tonight, I’ll look to heaven, and I’m sure I’ll see flashes of Thom’s handiwork in the night sky, letting us know he’s home and everything is fine.”

Thomas died at the hands of his wife, who shot him dead. He was 68 years old at the time. His wife apparently shot him because she found out that he had cheated on her and she was jealous.

We will have to see whether the confession by his wife stands up in court or not but at this time, a music icon is missing a friend. May he rest in peace.

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