4-Yr-Old Boy Is Bullied For His Vegan Birthday Party And Mom Loses It

Angel Craine is a mother in Australia who loves her 4-year-old son, Malachi. They were preparing for his birthday party in October 2023, and he was very excited that it was going to be themed after Pokémon

Her young son also had a wish for his birthday, he wanted a vegan birthday cake. It was a simple request that the cake wasn’t made using dairy, but it didn’t sit well with the other kids at school.

Since he was interested in having a plant-based birthday party, some of the other children he went to school with began bullying him. Angel spoke about this to the local news, saying that his choice to have a dairy-free cake caused him problems.

Many of the children who were bullying him told him that unless he had a cow in his cake, they wouldn’t be coming to his party. The mother was shocked that children that young would already be bullying vegans.

Angel herself became vegan in 2022 and is trying to raise her children so they have the option. She didn’t tell her son that he couldn’t have certain foods in his diet, but Malachi also decided to be a vegan last year after hearing about the ingredients of chicken nuggets.

Angel was disheartened that her young son was facing such a difficulty from his peers. She said he still comes home and tells her that the kids are being nice to him.

In order to get some closure, she went to the Vegans in Australia Facebook Group. After sharing the experience that Malachi was having, she asked if there were any other vegan children in the area who would like to come to his birthday.

The community came through with flying colors and her post gained a lot of support. 12 children of the group members said they would attend the fifth birthday party and Angel was thrilled with what happened. She said Malachi is always excited to meet new people and make new friends.

The mother also talked about how strong her son was, letting everyone know how proud she was of him. He is still passionate about being vegan and is not letting the bullies get to him.

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