Teacher Forgets Her Purse At The Restaurant. Employee Sends It Back With A Surprise Inside The Box

We may experience many different frustrating times in life but when we misplace our purse, it is something that can really affect us negatively. Typically, we are going about our day as if everything is fine and suddenly, we have a sinking feeling and a growing pit in our stomach. That is when panic sets in because we suddenly realize that everything that is important in our life was inside of that little bag. At that point, we start to retrace our steps and looking for our purse everywhere that it could possibly be.

This is a feeling that Lindsay Jones had experienced. She is a Texas educator and she was on her way home from a trip to northern New Mexico. After just coming off a fantastic vacation, she was heading home to Central Texas and she decided to stop and grab a quick bite to eat. She and her family stopped into the Chick-fil-A at Lubbock, Texas, and grabbed some lunch. Little did she know that her quick stop was going to turn into something that was both frustrating and, in the end, inspiring.

The family enjoyed their time at the restaurant, eating and then getting back on the highway. Three hours later they were stopping for gas and Lindsay noticed that her purse was missing. She had left it at the Chick-fil-A in Lubbock.

She didn’t waste any time in calling Chick-fil-A and explained that she had stopped in there a few hours ago and lost her purse. It was what the employees did next that really took her by surprise.

One of the employees remembers getting the phone call:

“I was working drive-thru and heard the phone ring, and she was kind of frantic saying she was like three hours away and she left her purse here.”

The staff must have a very kind heart because they offered to ship the purse right back to Lindsay’s home in Texas. It was then that she remembered how many important items were in the purse. She had the keys to her classroom, her teacher ID card and many other items. If she didn’t have them by Monday morning, which was coming up quickly, she would be lost.

She knew that she had to get the purse back quickly. That is when she called the store and talked to Casey Kovar, the director of operations.

She said that Casey was more than happy to FedEx the purse overnight. He understood the need to have this vital bag back quickly so he went to the FedEx store on his own. Lindsay was going to give her own FedEx number for the shipment but Casey told her that it was already cared for.

Lindsay posted the details of the situation on Facebook and admitted that it was “1000%” her fault:

“He took my purse to FedEx and had it shipped to me ‘Priority Overnight.’ With it being a Saturday delivery, and being that I carry a pretty large hand bag that weighed 7 lbs, you can imagine it was NOT a cheap shipment!!”

Not only was this Chick-fil-A able to get the package to her overnight, they even threw in some awesome surprises. Little did she know that she would get back more than her purse.

When Lindsay received the package via FedEx, she was thrilled to find her purse, six coupons for free Chick-fil-A meals and two stuffed cows. She was thrilled with their generosity.

“Not only was my purse found by good, honest people, but they also went above and beyond to help fix a problem that was 1000% my fault to begin with! So, thank you, thank you, thank you Darcy & Casey for being so awesome!!!”

After Lindsay posted this on Facebook, it went viral and has been shared over 1000 times.

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