Mom Faults Daughter-in-Law For Messy House, But Her Son Sorts Her Out Brilliantly

We live in a society where women have come a long, long way. There was once a time when women were not allowed to own property, hold public office, or even (until the 20th century) vote in the U.S. With that said. There are still a lot of obstacles women have to deal with in our more “enlightened society,” namely the judgments of those who see a woman’s role in a more “traditional” light.

Clint Edward, a dad blogger, recently shared a story about how his own mother expressed her belief that a woman’s true work is being a homemaker.

On his Facebook Page called “No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog,” Clint recently spoke candidly about a phone call between him and his mom regarding how tidy his wife keeps their home.

She asked her son in the phone call:

While Clint knew his mom didn’t mean to be hurtful or condescending, he still couldn’t hold back his shock.

There was an awkward pause as Clint tried his best to formulate a respectful response.

But after giving it much thought, he came up with an answer that he thought would respect and honor his mother and wife. However, his mom was left speechless.

After Love What Matters picked up the post, Clint’s concise but powerful reply has since been shared by thousands of couples who said they could relate all too well to his situation.

Here’s part one of his post:

Part 2

What do you make Clint’s conversation with his mom? Let us know in the comments, and please be sure to pass this story along to your friends and family.



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