Pregnant Woman Looks at Ultrasound And Sees Her Late Dad Kissing Her Unborn Baby

An expectant mother in Sand Diego, California, was eager to see her baby’s very first ultrasound image taken when she was five months pregnant. However, when she shared her ultrasound pictures, her followers began flooding her post with comments.

Fox 5 San Diego reports that many of her followers who saw ultrasound images told the soon-to-be-mom, Shantel Carillo’s name, that it looked as if an angel was kissing her baby’s head.

Soon curiosity got the better of Shantel, and she decided to take a closer look at the photo everyone was raving about.

After close inspection, Shantel was shocked at what she saw. The “angel” everyone was talking about she recognized as her late father.

The figure appeared looking down on her first child, who would have been his granddaughter.

According to Shantel, the ultrasound photo closely resembles her late father; it gave her goosebumps.


Shantel’s dd recently passed away in 2016 after suffering a heart attack, but we can all see based on her ultrasound that his spirit is alive and well, and her beloved dad is still watching over them.

The mom also thinks that her dad is also thrilled about her second pregnancy, which she believes he’s also making an effort to be a part of.

Shantel thinks that her dad will always be there for his family.

You can watch a video about this sweet story below.

What are your thoughts on Shantel’s ultrasound video? Did you see a face? Let us know in the comments, and please be sure to pass this story along to your friends and family.



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