The Latest Outdoor Holiday Decorating Trend Is DIY Christmas Tree Gnomes

It’s been a heartbreaking year in countless ways, and one of the things people are doing to try to bring some cheer back into the lives of their families is breaking out the holiday decorations early. Even well before Halloween, people were bringing their Christmas trees down from their attics and creating “Halloween Christmas Trees,” a trend that I loved, by the way. They were so cute and I think it’s a new trend that’s here to stay. Now that it’s December, people are getting their homes all decorated, both inside and out. A hot new trend we’re seeing all over social media are these adorable Christmas tree gnomes.

All around the country, people are building these cute gnomes in their yards to add some fresh Christmas spirit to their home’s exterior. The great thing is that they’re super easy to make, even for those of us who aren’t terribly crafty. All you need to build a gnome is a tomato cage, and if you don’t have that, you can pick one up at Home Depot or Lowe’s. Then you tie the branches from a Christmas tree to the cage, and this makes up the gnome’s bearded body. Now comes the fun part. You get to dress this guy/gal up. Add tiny gloves for hands, maybe a stocking cap, and don’t forget that cute round nose.

For the nose, you can use a potato or a red ball. The great thing is that you can customize these gnomes to your heart’s content and get super creative. The sky is the limit and some people are even making creative variations, such as adding a mop head. Let’s look at some of our favorites below. We love this one with his white nose and sto0cking cap.

These two are downright intimidating (in a totally fun way).

Four lined up in a row looks great.

And here are the tiny gloves.

I think I’m digging the groupings.

Loving this grumpy looking guy.


Ready to do yours? Here’s a video that shows you exactly what to do.




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