19 Golden Girls Tattoos You Have To See To Believe

Have you ever had a television show that you absolutely loved with all of your heart? Many of us might need to think back quite a few years before we can answer yes to that statement honestly. We may like some shows today and we may even follow them but we wouldn’t necessarily say that we are going to stick with them for the rest of our lives. That isn’t necessarily the case, however, for people who are in love with the Golden Girls. You are about to see how far they will go.

If you have a favorite television show, would you be willing to say you will love it forever, no matter what? Let’s face it, the popularity of certain shows come and go and what may be popular this season may not necessarily be popular the next season. Take the Rosanne Barr show for example, how quickly did that one disappear, come back and go again? The Golden Girls, however, is a show that seems to live forever. In fact, there are many people who are willing to stake forever on it and they have the tattoo to prove it. Here are 19 of our favorites.

1. A little miniature

This was fairly nice

2. Another good picture

Still pretty good but what’s up with the cheesecake?

3. Adding a little family crest

The hair may be a little bit weird but he still captures it nicely.

4. Golden Girls in a Box

Where did they come up with the idea for this one?

5. Down the road and back again

They really had to commit to this one.

6. Thanks for your friendship

A tattoo of Bea Arthur? That took some courage.

7. Loving cheesecake

I sense a theme here

8. This one is nice

Rhu front and center

9. The famous foursome

This one looks like it belongs on a dollar bill.

10. Those eyes

What is up with that?

11. Dude?

Nice style and a nice message.

12. Heads

These look really nice. In fact they look a little too nice.

13. Nice color


14. Mount Rushmore girls?

This was clever.

15. Golden forever

This one says something interesting without words.

16. Golden Pirates

It’s a traditional pirate tattoo with cheesecake.

17. What?

That’s unusual

18. Bea lover

She will live forever.

19. Bunny ears

Betty White to the rescue

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