A Papa Cat With Two Faces Shares Half A Face With Each Of His 2 Adorable Kittens

When we hear about somebody that is ‘two-faced’, it doesn’t always give us the best mental image in the world. In fact, we often tend to avoid those people if at all possible because we don’t need that type of toxicity in our lives. Then again, if you are talking about a cat with two faces, you are talking about something completely different. Those types of felines are not only interesting to look at, they are adorable and when we see pictures of them online, we can’t help but continue to look on.

The type of two-faced cat that I’m talking about is a chimera. These felines occur when two embryos merge inside of the womb and the kitten is created with two different sets of DNA. It is not common for cats to be born as a chimera, but then again, it’s not out of the question and we often see these felines online. It is not only the two-faced cats that are chimeras, it is also tortoiseshell cats that share that trait as well. The trait may show up in different ways but on occasion, it seems as if the cat is split right down the middle and their face has two different sides.

An example of an interesting chimera is Narnia, and he has become quite famous online. Stephanie, his human, reveals that he is not a true chimera cat because he only has a single strand of DNA so they aren’t really sure why he has such a unique look.

Narnia lives with a cat breeder in Britain.

Narnia and Bella, his mate, have had a number of litters of kittens before but when a recent litter was born, there was something interesting that took place.

Two kittens were born and each of them matched one side of their father’s face.

I have seen things that were adorable before, but I think this takes the cake. They each may have a side of their father’s face but they have their mother’s eyes.

Phoenix is the great kitten and the black one with white patches is Prada. Phoenix lives at his new forever home but Prada stayed at the cattery.

The world is an amazing place, isn’t it?

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