When we listen to the news these days, we are often bombarded with one bad story after another. All of us understand that bad news sells and the news outlets try to report on it because they want the ratings and the revenue that goes along with it. We may sometimes even forget momentarily that there are good things that take place in the world as well, and every once in awhile, we need a reality check in order to remember that the world where we live is still an awesome place. That is exactly what happened in the following story.
Roberta Hoskie is a real estate agent who was running errands one day when she lost a check. Most of us have lost something in our lives, but this particular check was for almost $11,000. To make matters worse, she had dropped it in the middle of a busy intersection so the odds of finding it were next to nothing. Little did she know that she was about to have her faith in humanity restored by someone who did the unexpected. In the end, there were two people that ended up winning that day for multiple reasons.
Roberta was considering canceling the check, but she never had the opportunity to do so. As it turns out, Elmer Alvarez had located the check and returned it to her. Roberta was shocked over his kind deed but what could she do to repay him? She considered the possibility of giving him a reward but then she learned that Elmer was homeless. That is when she decided to do something much better.
Roberta knew what it was like to struggle because she had also struggled in the past. It was someone with a kind heart who had helped her and she wanted to pay it forward. That is when she helped Elmer to get into a housing program so that he could have a home of his own. You can see more of the heartwarming story in the following video: