Most Eyes Can’t Detect the Hidden Image Behind These Wavy Lines, Can You Do It?

Most people believe “seeing is believing.” However, what they don’t realize is that sometimes our eyes can play tricks on us. You see, what we perceive as “vision” is actually a recreation of electrical signals sent from our optical nerves to different parts of our brain that interprets the signals and throws up the images that we see. It’s almost like putting a picture in a blender and putting it back together. This is one of the reasons why illusions are so fascinating; they are typically designed to fool our optic nerves. One of my favorite kind of political illusions are hidden images. Sometimes they can be an image hidden in a picture of something else, and sometimes they can be an image hidden in patterns.

In this case, there is an image hidden in this image that, at first glance, only appears to be a bunch of squiggly black and white lines. You might have to look very closely are take a step back to see it, but once you do, you won’t be able to unsee it.

Did you see the panda? This particular panda happens to be the mascot or logo for the World Wildlife Fund. It was created by Russian artist, Ilija Klemoencov to help raise awareness for the plight of pandas.

WWF-Canon Pic of the Week: Giant PandaAn approximately 10 year old female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) walking…

Posted by WWF on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

If you’re still having trouble seeing the panda try rotating the image until it’s nearly 90 degrees. And if you can, please support the WWF and its efforts to save endangered species such as these adorable pandas.

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