The Heartbreaking True Story Behind the Classic Children’s Book ‘Love You Forever’

Author Robert Munsch is the voice behind some of our favorite children’s books. Over the years, he’s written so man fun-filled stories that both parents and children still love to read. Whether the story was about paper bag processes, pigs, or even bodily functions, Munsch had the magic touch to turn any subject matter into a heartwarming story. However, there was always one story that just seemed to have a bit more depth than some of his other works. And it always managed to bring a tear to my eyes. It’s a book titled “Love You Forever.” This story is still enjoyed by millions. And no matter what era they grew up in, it leaves nearly every reader in tears.

The story is pretty simple; it’s about a mother and son’s undying bond of love throughout their lifetimes. In the story she sings her baby son a very special song which goes, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” However, it turns out that there is a very good reason this song and story make us so emotional. It’s because it is based on something from Robert Munsch’s personal life.

Munsch explained that over the years, the story began as a song that soon just got stuck in his head. However, it’s not a happy song, even though it comes off as a sweet message. In truth, the author found the song very upsetting for a very long time. Munsch said:

 “For a long time I had it in my head and I couldn’t even sing it because every time I tried to sing it I cried.”

Happy 68th Birthday Robert Munsch! We'll love you forever, we'll like you for always! What's your favorite Robert Munsch book?

Posted by OZFM on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The reason for this was because it was educated to his wife. The author explains that “I made that up after my wife and I had two babies born dead. The song was my song to my dead babies.”

Happy Mother's Day! Celebrate with the mother of all Mother's Day books, "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch!

Posted by Firefly Books on Sunday, May 10, 2015

However, the book would soon take on a rather strange path developing an unexpected life of its own. You see, his primary children’s book publisher rejected it. However, he was able to find another publisher to accepted it quite easily. However, that was no the most bizarre part. He said that sales of the book surprised everyone.

“One day the publisher called up and said ‘This is very strange. It is selling very well in retirement communities in Arizona. It is selling in retirement communities where kids are illegal. This is supposed to be a children’s book. What is going on?'”

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Munsch soon realized that adults were purchasing the book to give to one another.

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He said Parents buy it for grandparents and grandparents buy it for parents, and kids buy it for everybody, and everybody buys it for kids.”

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The story that inspired the book is heartbreaking. However, the book has gone on to help millions of people better express their love for one another.

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You can watch a video in which Robert Munsch himself his touching story below.



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