Have you ever noticed that there are times when a celebrity has a child that also follows in their footsteps? This really shouldn’t be surprising, because many children will do the same thing as their parents. This could be following in any type of career, such as being an electrician, plumber or surveyor. Following in your parent’s footsteps is only natural because it is something that you grew up with and it is something that you are familiar with from the time you are very young. When it comes to celebrities, however, there seems to be an extra edge to it. After all, most people could learn to be an electrician but not everybody has the talent to sing or act. It is not always something that comes naturally.
Watching a father and son team who are truly talented and able to sing is an amazing thing. That is what you see when you watch Andrea Bocelli and his son Matteo. I don’t think that anybody would argue that Andrea Bocelli is a phenomenal singer and he has a natural talent that is unmistakable. It seems as if he has been able to pass that talent along to his son, either through genetics or through a lot of training or perhaps even a combination of both. Regardless of how he got it, it is amazing to hear him singing alongside his father as they perform the “Perfect Symphony” together. I’m sure that it is something that will give you chills up and down your spine when you hear it.
I’m sure that Andrea Bocelli gave his son lessons from the time that he was very young. He recognized that he may have passed on those genetics to his son and likely, he could hear it in his voice from the time he was a toddler. As he got older, however, the training that he received truly paid off because now he is an amazing singer.
Not all of us will have the opportunity to stand up in front of a large audience and entertain them with our voice. We really don’t have to, because we have the opportunity to sit in the audience and enjoy what these entertainers have to offer.