Tom Hanks Displays Another Of His Awesome Skills With A Clint Eastwood Impression

The world has no shortage of talented people and sometimes, they take things to a level that is far beyond what any of us could ever hope to achieve. This includes many people who are actors and we may enjoy watching them in a variety of movies. Every once in a while, however, there is an actor that takes things to that higher level and that would include Tom Hanks. Although he got his start on a rather corny television show, he didn’t stop at that point and he continued to star in one movie after another until his name was practically known by almost everybody in the world. Not only is he a great actor, he also is a good storyteller.

One of the things that Tom Hanks does is to entertain an audience, regardless of whether they are large or small. When he was appearing on the Graham Norton show, he entertained Graham Norton along with the other celebrity guests that were sitting beside him. The audience was also having a great time hearing the story he was telling. It was about working for Clint Eastwood as a director and how things were so different when Eastwood was running the show. Rather than having a director yelling Action, he said Eastwood would simply speak softly over their shoulder and tell them to get started. The same is also true when they stop, because Eastwood would simply say that’s enough, rather than yelling cut!

When somebody is talented, they often display that talent in more than one way. We have comedians who eventually become actors and perhaps even singers. Obviously, actors are also good storytellers and they can make us laugh for all the right reasons.

Tom Hanks is always going to be one of those interesting individuals that seems to light up the room when he enters into it. It’s obvious that he was also someone who makes a talkshow even better, and you can see it for yourself below.

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