I can remember, as a kid, how delicious and wicket it felt to use “naughty words.” It was even worth the pop I’d get from my dad when my mom told him that I’d let one slip while helping her around the house. Recently, Jimmy Kimmel shared a video of an uncle getting his nephew to say all the dirty words he knew. This little guy knows some zingers, including “crap,” “shut up,” “butthead, “butthole,” and then he just seemed to be stuck on everything “butt.” His repertoire included stuff like a butthead, butt-teeth, butt-mouth, and then he said one that had to be bleeped. As the audience laughs, Jimmy explained that it’s hard to know when kids pick up bad words, because they try to hide it. But in the interest of science, Kimmel sent his team out on to Hollywood Boulevard to ask kids what bad words they know.
Jimmy Kimmel took to the street to find out all the naughty words kids know, and it got pretty funny fast. One little girl acted totally innocent and said she didn’t know any naughty words. The next little girl was totally adorable as she said that her naughty words were “stupid,” “hush,” and “shut up.” The audience howled with laughter when she said hush. You can tell that her household doesn’t have as much cursing as the households many kids grow up in if those are the worst words she knows. Later in the video, she said that “donkey” and “ponyboy” were bad words. Not sure what ponyboy means, so we’ll take her word for it. Another little girl said that “I hate you” and “stupid” were bad words.

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Then the boys came on, and it started to get a bit more graphic. The first little boy said the word “punk.” The next one said, “stupid,” “poop,” and “you’re ugly.” The little boy, after that, shocked the audience with “a**” and “bitch.” Later in the video, he added “screwed” and “sucked.” One little boy totally went there, saying that he didn’t know any naughty words, then having to be bleeped out as he appeared to say a whole string of words beginning with the infamous F-word. One little boy spelled out S-I-T-H, then he corrected it to S-H-I-T.

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Here’s the video.