Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon Play High Stakes Game of Slap Jack Where Loser Gets Whacked

Boys who are best friends can sometimes have rather unique ways of celebrating their friendship. For instance, many of us growing up still remember when we used to punch each other in the shoulder, for no good reason other than to see who could take the hardest shot. These days such games are generally discouraged, but games like this seem to be a part of our DNA as boys from all over the world typically play silly, physical games like this with each other. There were also games like dodge ball. Now, while this wasn’t a game played exclusively by boys, let’s face it, this definitely a male-centric game.

Any game that allows you to legally smack somebody with anything is pretty much something boys liked to play more than girls. Wrestling is, of course, the very first game boys probably learn to play together, and it’s as natural as walking. Now, there is an interesting debate raging in society over the necessity of “rough play” among boys. Does such playing make boys more aggressive and less empathetic? Or is it something inherent in our DNA, and messing with this natural impulse can have harmful long-term effects on society as a whole? This is a serious debate, but guess what? This video featuring Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart, whacking each other over the head with giant foam hands, is anything but serious!

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Jimmy and Kevin decide to play a friendly game of blackjack; only the loser gets conked over the noggin’ with a giant foam hand. Watching the hilarious back and forth between these two comedic friends is always fun. Jimmy and Kevin seem to always find the funniest situations to experience together. I hope that someday they start making movies.

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You can watch Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon engaging in some adult “rough play” in the video below.

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