The Celtic Women Perform A Beautiful Rendition Of ‘Amazing Grace’

When it comes to music, I’m sure that all of us have our own favorites. There are going to be a lot of different songs to like (or dislike), so it really helps to pick and choose when it comes to what type of music you are going to entertain yourself with regularly. For some people, it could be country music that dominates their playlist and for others, it could be rock ‘n’ roll. Although they are the most popular choices, there are others that also can make you feel good, because they are familiar.

One of the songs that is perhaps best known is an old hymn, Amazing Grace. When you hear it playing, you can probably sing along with it and even if you don’t know the verses, you can probably sing along with the chorus. Of course, we don’t often have the opportunity to sing the song but that doesn’t mean that we don’t enjoy hearing it. That is especially true when it is sung by people who have a phenomenal voice. A good example is seen in the video below, because it is performed by a group known as the ‘Celtic Women’. These women have an amazing voice and when they sing together, they harmonize flawlessly.

The song that they are singing, Amazing Grace was written in 1779. What many people don’t know about this song is that it was written by a clergyman, John Newton. When he was young he lived without any religious conviction but he began to get interested in religion when he was in the Royal Navy. He was in the middle of a violent storm off the coast of Ireland and he had a religious moment. Even though that was the case, he continued his business of slave trading for quite some time.

The music to the song Amazing Grace was written in 1772 but the words weren’t written until 1779. The words were a personal experience of Newton and his life course. Regardless of your personal feelings on the song and what surrounds it, you have to admit that it’s interesting that any tune could remain well known for centuries.

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