It is always nice to have a brother or sister but there is something special about having a twin. From the moment that we are born, and perhaps even before we are born, we become attached to each other in a very special way. It is more than simply looking alike, which is something that many identical twins share, it is also our personality and perhaps even the choices that we make in life that tend to line up with our twin. Often, twins will discover that they have followed the same course in life without even talking to each other in advance.
We have people who are identical twins and they have known this from birth. We also have others that look as if they could be twins but it seems as if they aren’t really related. Some people may call it having a doppelgänger but other people may just say that it was a genetic mishap. I’m sure that that’s how these athletes felt, because they look as if they could be related. It is more than that, however, there are too many coincidences to ignore.
When you look at these two minor-league pitchers, you might say that they are certainly brothers. Both of them wear glasses, have a beard and have red hair. It even goes beyond the looks, they actually have the same name! Obviously, something like this is almost too much of a coincidence so people wanted to know if they were actually twins that had been separated at birth.
The two men decided they would take a DNA test and check the results against each other. After comparing the root results, they found out that they weren’t actually related, despite the way they looked. That didn’t stop them from being friends, and they say that they’ll be friends for a very long time. Watch more for yourself in the following video: