There is something that we develop over the course of our life and unfortunately, it does not always get developed in the highest level possible. I’m talking about our self-esteem and there has been a lot of research done on the subject over the years. Our self-esteem has to do with a lot of different factors that may have impacted us from a very young age. Although we can certainly lose self-esteem to a certain extent, some experts feel as if it is something that is set for the rest of our life from the time we are little children.
Of course, most people are dealing with low self-esteem and although there may be some people who feel good about themselves and wouldn’t change a thing, most of us have at least a few regrets and some of us may regret things on a regular basis. Perhaps one of the ways in which we feel this the most is in the way that we look at ourselves physically. I’ll be the first one to admit that most people would like to lose a little weight or perhaps change something about their looks. It affects some people so deeply that they spend a lot of their time and energy thinking about it.
That is where this unique social experiment came in. They put a mirror up in a local mall and as people walked by, they were invited to look into the mirror and tell it what they saw. Some interesting technology was used for that purpose and something became evident almost immediately. Most of the people who looked in the mirror were not happy with what was looking back at them.
This would’ve been an interesting social experiment on its own but it went even further by telling the people that they were better than what they thought of themselves. Many of the people who looked in the mirror and gave a negative opinion ended up crying because of what they were told. You can watch it all for yourself in the following video: