What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about talent? Most people would probably automatically think about somebody who sings or dances and certainly, they can be very talented in what they do. In reality, however, talent can take on many different forms, from singing and dancing all the way down to magicians or even somebody that can juggle bowling pins. Quite simply, when somebody is able to do something to an extreme degree, they have a talent they can share with others.
One talent that you may not think about very often is ventriloquism. At one time, it was a rather popular pastime for people to throw their voice in this way and make it appear as if an object was speaking. In fact, it used to be something popular and people thought that the voice was coming from inside of the stomach. Today, we realize that it is the person who is speaking without making their lips move but it still is rather interesting to watch when the ventriloquist is talented in what they do
Although ventriloquism may not be as popular as it was at one time, there are still some who are taking up the pastime today. That includes the young girl in the video below. She may have only have been in sixth grade when she put on the show for her teachers but she displayed a talent that was well beyond her years.
Sometimes, a ventriloquist will speak for a dummy and they may even do something special, such as throw their voice when they are drinking a glass of water. The little girl in this act takes things a step further by singing a song with her dummy and even yodeling! It’s a lot of fun to watch and I’m sure that she is still out there doing what she does best.
Watch the young girl with her ventriloquist act in the following video: