Traditional Folk Dancers Seem To Float Across The Floor In Surreal and Hypnotizing Performance

Earth is a strange and wonderful place filled with thousands of unique cultures, traditions, and ways of life that can allow a person to expand their understanding of every day if they are so inclined. One thing that just about every culture has in common is a love of dancing. Like music, dancing is a language all its own, allowing for human expression in some pretty remarkable ways. One type of dance is called Russian folk dancing, which is very similar to ballet and synchronized ice skating. However, this dance doesn’t involve significant, audacious movements like those activities. Instead, the dancers remind of what you might see in a 14th-century town square or royal courtyard.

One group that still practices this traditional form of dance is called the Berezka, which translates as birch tree in Russian. This group has been mesmerizing audiences throughout Europe since 1948. And it’s easy to see why when you see them in action. The dancers start each performance with a circle dance called the “Khorovod.” This dance makes it look like the dancers are floating or riding hoverboards. One YouTube user theorized that they are probably using a variation of a technique called demi-plie,  which is a ballet technique in which a dancer slightly bends their knees while moving quickly on their toes.

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The reason why we don’t know for sure is that these dancers are very secretive about their techniques. It’s rumored that they are not even allowed to tell their family and friends anything about what they practice.

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Regardless, of how they do it, the end results of their hard work are simply magical to behold. You can treat yourself to one of their magnificent performances by watching the video below.



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