There are many people in the world today who are unhappy with how things are going. For some, it is being frustrated over politics and for others, it could be anything from dealing with local customs to being frustrated over their favorite sports team. Sometimes, they are so passionate about their feelings that they allow it to get the best of them and they speak out on the subject. Some may even act out on the subject in a way that gets them some attention.
It seems that this is not only an issue that affects humans, even members of the animal kingdom are subject to those types of passions. Sure, they may not gather together and protest but there are times when they may dig their heels in and refuse to move. Others may even get violent in their attempt to force change. This cockatoo is a perfect example.
The story starts in Katoomba, New South Wales, Australia. A man by the name of Sherrint-Tito was walking down the street, minding his own business when pieces of metal started falling from above. He looked up to see a cockatoo forcefully removing the anti-bird system that was on the ledge above him.
This cockatoo is protesting the anti-bird system placed on the ledge.
Isaac began to record the bird who was busy tearing up the metal spikes and throwing them down to the sidewalk.
Isaac Sherring-Tito from Australia saw what was happening on a building in Katoomba. The bird was tearing things up.
Wild cockatoos are found in Australia, as well as Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. They can live longer than 60 years, depending on the species. Cookie, a cockatoo in captivity lived to be 83 years old before dying in 2016.
Cockatoos can use their toes and beak to do some amazing things. They are expert tree climbers and obviously, can be destructive.
You can see it happening for yourself in this video:
Apparently, this cockatoo is well known locally.
People had a lot to say about the video:
Source: Bored Panda