22 Surprising Facts About Left-Handed People

More than likely, you know somebody is left-handed. You may be left-handed yourself! If you spend any amount of time talking to them about their day-to-day lives, you probably already realize that it can be very difficult to find products that are specific to their use. After all, being right-handed means that you are a dominant individual and the gene that makes an individual left-handed is recessive. Since the world is engineered toward right-handed people, left-handed people have to struggle to fit in and it isn’t always easy to do so.

Although we may think of left-handed people as just being somebody who uses the other hand regularly, they also tend to have different personality traits. For example, did you realize that many left-handed people tend to be more independent? It is thought that it may be because they spend a lot of their time adapting to the world around them. There are a number of fascinating facts about Southpaws that you may never have known before. Here are 23 for your consideration.

1. 10% of the population are left-handed

2. Lefties are three times more likely to have a drinking problem

3. Lefties use the right side of their brain primarily

4. Most left-handed individuals reach puberty up to five months later than right-handed people

5. They tend to be good at sports such as swimming, boxing, baseball and tennis

6. Four out of seven recent presidents were left-handed

7. Lefties who are college graduates tend to become 26% richer than right-handed people

8. At one time, if you were left-handed you would’ve been accused of having the mark of the devil, being neurotic, having a nasty habit or being rebellious. You may have even have been considered a criminal or a homosexual.

9. The word left came from an old anglo-saxon word (lyft). It means weak or broken

10. If you are over 40, you have a 128% greater chance of giving birth to a left-handed baby compared to a woman in their 20s

11. Cats, rats, and mice have equal numbers of left-handed and right-handed

12. Lefties tend to be better at math and architecture. Right-handed people are typically better at verbal skills

13. 25% of Apollo astronauts were Southpaws

14. Almost 30 million Americans are left-handed

15. Lefties are more likely to have allergies and asthma

16. Left-handed people tend to adjust better when they can’t use their dominant hand

17. Using your left hand you can type the words sweater, dresses and decades on a keyboard.

18. Some of the royal family are lefties including Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William

19. Lefties are more likely to have insomnia

20. International left-handers day is August 13

21. Lefties are able to see better underwater

22. Left-handed people tend to be short tempered, including John McEnroe, who is a lefty.

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