Many of us tend to lump intelligence into a single category but according to some research, there are a number of different types of intelligence that exist. In fact, one of the more popular theories says that there are anywhere from 3-9 and perhaps even more. Some of them include the ability to use logic and math, interpersonal, music and rhythm, linguistic and even visual-spatial abilities. When all is said and done, any type of intelligence that would fit into any of those categories can help you in your day-to-day life.
One of the more interesting of the potential types of intelligence is the one that involves our vision and spatial judgment. That is what this quiz is designed to help you to determine, your level of intelligence. It is known as the “hit the dot test” and the name is rather descriptive. You look at the field of dots and then you look for the one that is right in the very center. If you are able to find the correct one, then you are also able to determine the amount of visual intelligence that you have.
The important part of any test, such as this, is how you are able to resolve it. Some people jump in with both feet and rely on instinct to determine the answer. Others take their time and look at each image to make sure that they are as accurate as possible. Many people will use a combination of guessing and calculation. The techniques that are used when attempting to solve these images will make a difference in the outcome.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to test your eyes and to determine your ability to perceive things visually. Many people think that vision is occurring in the eyes but it actually takes place in the brain. The way that we perceive things that we are seeing is actually involved with the brain’s ability to process and understand it. When you are testing your vision, therefore, you are actually testing a part of the brain.
You can test your intelligence using this quiz and at the same time, do your part to maintain your eyesight and to sharpen your mental abilities. The quiz is easy when it starts but before long, it gets more involved when it comes to determining the visual-spatial intelligence level. Just keep in mind that you only have to look at the dots in each picture and then pick the colored dot that is in the exact center. Take this test now and good luck with the outcome.