Stop Wasps From Building Nests In Your Mailbox

There is a lot to be happy about when summer is here. We have warmer weather, longer days, and plenty of sunshine. Unfortunately, there are also issues we have to deal with when summer gets here as well.

One of the problems that we face during the summer months is an issue with wasps. The last thing any of us would want is to get stung and it can be more than a nuisance, it can be a deadly problem for those who have allergic reactions.

The truth is, you can get stung by a wasp anywhere but it is more likely to happen in places where they hide. This includes the mailbox, and the last thing any of us would want to do is to head out to pick up a package and come back with a wasp sting.

This can be a serious challenge, not only for homeowners but especially for those who deliver the mail. They have to go and open these mailboxes that could contain wasps, Yellowjackets, or any number of different types of stinging insects.

The insects feel safe and hidden but when the mail carrier reaches inside, it’s only a matter of moments before they are running away in pain. That doesn’t mean that there is not a solution, and it is a lot easier than most people realize.

If you want to reduce the possibility that stinging insects are living inside your mailbox, there is something you can do about it. Buy some scented dryer sheets and put a few of them in the mailbox. It really is that simple.

Here are the steps needed to make the most of this suggestion.

1. Choose a Strong Fragrance: Look for a dryer sheet with a strong fragrance, such as Lavender or citrus. The stronger the scent, the more repelling power it will have.

2. Put the Dryer Sheet in the Mailbox: After placing the dryer sheet in the mailbox, it may be a good idea to use some tape to keep it in place. Make sure that it isn’t near the slot where it would keep mail from going in.

3. Keep It Fresh: Every couple of weeks, replace the dryer sheets inside of the mailbox to keep them fresh. This will ensure that the wasps don’t make your mailbox their home.

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