Shannen Doherty Says Her Ex Is Delaying Divorce To Save Money After She Dies

Shannen Doherty is well known by many people because of the roles she played. Beverly Hills 90210 is one of her more well-known roles, but she also played on Charmed, which added to her fame.

These days, most people know Shannen Doherty because she is outspoken about her health crisis. She has been dealing with cancer and has spoken about how it is only a matter of time before she loses the struggle.

Something else that she is known for was her marriage to Kurt Iswarienko, which started in October 2011. They had been dating for 4 years prior to the time that they got married and they seemed to be doing well but it did not last.

They stuck by each other side through some difficult times, including when Doherty was going through serious health battles. The issue came to a head, however, when they announced they would be splitting up in 2023.

According to a representative, divorce was the last thing that Shannon wanted. Unfortunately, she felt as if she was left without any other option.

After people began hearing about the news, they also heard from Shannon, who said that her ex-husband was prolonging the process of the divorce. She feels that this is an effort so that he would not have to pay her extra while she is alive.

Her diagnosis with breast cancer came in 2015 and although she responded to treatment, it returned in 2020 and has spread to her bones. It seems to be getting worse by the week.

Her representative said: “It is simply not right that Kurt be permitted to prolong our divorce in hopes that I die before he is required to pay me while he continues to live his life and shirk his responsibilities to his dying wife of more than 11 years.”

His lawyer did dispute the claim, saying that he is not waiting for her to die before the divorce. He went on to say: “He wants the best for Shannen and he wants both of them to be able to put this case behind them and move forward.”

She is requesting $15,434 per month in spousal support. She has also lost her health insurance and has not been able to work because of the cancer.