Princess Kate Shares Beachside Photo Of Prince William And The Kids For Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a holiday that is celebrated around the world and it means different things to different people. For Princess Kate and the royal family, it means something special.

This recent Father’s Day, Princess Kate honored her husband with a family photo that is melting hearts around the world. Being a hobby photographer herself, she was able to capture a picture that really shows the dynamics of the family beautifully.

Prince William was standing with his children on a sandy beach. Those three children, Prince Louis, Prince of Charlotte, and Prince George had their arms around each other as they stood and looked out over the water.

“We love you, Papa,” Kate captioned. “Happy Father’s Day 💕 G, C & L.”

Over the past few years, Princess Kate has been becoming more and more interested in photography. Her husband and her children or her favorite subjects and her work is always appreciated by their fans.

Many people came forward after the picture was taken to express how sweet it was. We have to agree, it really captures the family well.

Prince William also was getting into the mood of the holiday when he went on his and Kate’s shared Instagram page to post a picture of himself and his father, King Charles.

It’s during the time when William was a toddler playing soccer and he is laughing as his father kicks the ball.

We look forward to many more family them re-shared in the future.

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