People Reveal Their Most Disturbing Stories Of Revenge

Revenge is something that many people look forward to and when we are wronged, we want to get back in any way that we can. This may include revenge, or it may include just wanting to feel better about the situation.

We realize that revenge does come with some potential problems, and they could include getting in trouble for what we did or perhaps making the situation worse. It’s up to the individual whether they want to take things that extreme or not, and they need to consider the risks.

At the same time, however, we also want to feel better about our situation so we sometimes read stories of revenge. The disturbing revenge stories we have for you below will allow you to live vicariously. Enjoy


“The year 1993 I was studying in class XII, there was a small Vacant land near our society.

Children used to play cricket football, etc. there was this guy who used to live around 50 m from that ground. For some reason he hated us playing in the ground and at times he would park his car in the middle of our ground but we would still manage to play.

One day they hit his car causing a dent in his car, he was furious and he yelled at all of us. The next day, he got a JCV and dug up the entire ground, now no way we could play there. All of us were very disappointed and sad, then one of our friends came up with the idea of revenge, and we all decided to take revenge.

There was a short guy in our group who had a really crooked brain, he came up with an idea I or any of my other friends had ever heard of: a homemade stink bomb. He asked one of us to get two empty bottles, another one to get 6 eggs, and a bottle of vinegar.

We arranged all the things, he took an empty bottle and urinated into it and asked one of us to urinate into the other bottle, then he cracked the raw eggs and poured the yellow and white of the eggs into the bottle. He then put 3 eggs into each bottle and added some vinegar into both.

He then used a cork and tightly closed both the bottles, then dug up a hole in the ground and buried them both. He told us we will have to wait for 7 days.

So after 7 days, we dig up our bottles, at 10 pm we assemble in front of our enemy’s house and throw the bottles straight at the front door.

The bottles explode like a bomb, and that stink, I can never explain that nasty stink, if that is true I am sure it would have smelt better. We run away after our ambush and reach our respective houses, my house was around 700 meters from his house but I could still smell the stink.

Most of his immediate neighbors came out and started shouting at him. The poor guy tried to clean it with water but the smell just wouldn’t go away. He hired professionals to clean his house but still, the smell remained for weeks. We were never caught for our stink bomb ambush.

We laughed for a week thinking about our mission fart, yes that was what we named our mission as. Today when I think about it I feel sorry for the guy.”


“We had rented a house in a small rural town. Not many places available there to rent that were livable.

The landlady kept the utilities in her name but they were mailed to our PO Box and we paid them.

She had an opportunity to sell the house but it was subject to it being vacant. We could not move as no other places were available and we were only going to be there for about 4 more months.

She did not give proper notice and we got a local judge to cancel the notice by which time the sale fell through and we stayed until we were ready to leave, being 100% sure to give proper notice to end our month-to-month rental.

She had the utilities turned off one Friday afternoon.

Just before a long weekend so it was Tuesday before we could order the reconnect and was Thursday before the utilities were restored.

All the contents of our freezer were lost, we had to eat in restaurants or use our camping equipment. We had to haul water from a hand pump in the yard to flush the toilet.

We had to shower at my wife’s workplace as mine did not have showers.

Next winter, in Canada at -30 I am at a friend’s house in the nearest city, where I knew she had moved to, and see the landlady loading up her car at the house next door.

My friend confirms her name and that she often left for the weekends.

I went over later and turned off her gas and electricity at the meter. That is easy to do and only takes a couple of seconds if you know how to. It stormed that night which covered my tracks and kept her from returning for a couple of days.

After a storm, it typically drops to -40 for a day or two.

Water pipes froze, the house was soaked, in the spring we watched her cart out all the drywall and insulation from most of the house.

I never told my friend it was me and he never asked but I am sure he knew or at least suspected as he knew the history.

That was more than 40 years ago and this is the first I have ever said of it.

I never told my wife, and am not sure if she even knows it happened because she did not like that friend and I usually only saw him without her.”


“Back in High School one of my friends came across fresh roadkill near our house. This roadkill was in very good condition and just happened to be a skunk.

Knowing that I was home he thought it would be funny to leave it at the front door, ring the doorbell, and run around the corner into the night.

Great plan right? Unfortunately for him I was walking past the door when he rang the bell and I saw him running around the corner and then the stench of the skunk hit me like a runaway septic tank pump truck on steroids.

This prank could not go unanswered so I grabbed some old gloves and a tarp tossed the deceased skunk in the back of our farm truck and waited until 3:00 AM when I went to his house with a Slim Jim, electric tape, and the skunk.

The next morning he found our friend standing in his driver’s seat with his paws taped to the steering wheel wearing his favorite pair of sunglasses. the doors to the car were locked and the windows were up, unknown to me the keys were under the seat and he couldn’t find his spare keys!

He called me that morning cursing a blue streak and called me nearly every name in the book plus a few new ones, I went over and unlocked his car after he admitted that my revenge was pretty darn funny.

There is an air freshener/sanitizer called Ozium that really does work on smells like that, it didn’t completely get rid of the smell but he could drive the car with the windows up.”