Is Your Face Changing? It Could Signal A Serious Health Problem

It’s a good idea to keep track of your health as closely as possible. One of the ways that you may do so is by watching your overall appearance, as it can sometimes give you an indication of problems that are occurring under the surface.

That is true of the following facial changes that may take place in some individuals. Although it is not the same as a diagnosis that would come from your healthcare professional, it is something to keep in mind as these changes can point you in the right direction.

1. Eyebrow Thinning: If you notice that your eyebrows are thinning, it could be a problem with atopic dermatitis or hypothyroidism. Considering how important the thyroid gland is to your overall health, it’s a good idea to keep track of this. Hair thinning in general is often associated with the thyroid gland and the skin disease of dermatitis affects two out of every 10 people.

2. Extreme Acne: It isn’t out of the ordinary to have a pimple here and there and having some peach fuzz on the face is not a big issue. If you notice that the acne is getting severe and you have a lot of facial hair appearing out of nowhere, it could indicate a health problem. One of these is PCOS, which can also be seen through obesity, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and unusual hair growth.

3. Bumps and Rashes: Do you see red marks on your face or neck? A may be an autoimmune disease, such as celiac disease or lupus.

4. Circles under the Eyes: When changes appear under the eyes and you see dark colored circles, it could be a lack of sleep. It may also be an indicator that you are suffering from an autoimmune condition that could lead to weakness and muscular pain. Tell your doctor right away if additional symptoms appear.