Hidden Number Picture Is Driving People Crazy

They sometimes say that pictures are worth a thousand words, but this one may be worth more. It’s an interesting picture puzzle that has been circulating online, and it is one that doesn’t seem to have a definite answer.

As you look at the picture below, you will recognize that it is a well-known optical illusion. These illusions may take many different forms, with some of them being so complex that they trick the mind into seeing something that doesn’t exist.

In this particular optical illusion, however, it has to do with the sensitivity that people have toward particular colors. Even though it may look simple at first, it gets more complex as you look at it.

The image does have a number in the center, and almost everybody is able to see it. The problem is, that they aren’t necessarily able to see the same number, and there are plenty of arguments as to what is actually in the middle of the picture.

When you look at the picture, what do you see? At first, you may just see a small number but as you continue to look, the number may grow. Some of the numbers may even change within the digits as you look at it further.

This image has gone viral on Twitter because it is simple, yet it is exceedingly complex. Take a look at it closely for yourself and see what you see. Which numbers are in the center?

There are many different answers, but here are some of the most common…



What do you see?