Champion Diver Goes Down The ‘No Women’ Water Slide And Instantly Regrets It

There are signs everywhere and they are there to both protect us and to keep us from doing something stupid. Unfortunately, that doesn’t account for everybody who is willing to go past the sign and do what they want to do anyway.

This included a champion diver who saw a water slide with a “no women” sign and she decided to bypass the sign and do her own thing. As she said, we are here for a good time, not a long time.

Have you ever done anything and instantly regretted it? After bypassing the sign and riding the water slide, the diver decided that she regretted what she did as well.

Rhiannan Iffland was at the Area 47 Adventure Park in Austria and she saw the sign, which had angered many women. The slide was closed to women but she decided to find out what they were missing by taking the water slide, which reaches speeds up to 50 miles per hour.

After she started down the slide, she instantly regretted it. Of course, she was used to diving from heights but she knew instantly that she had made a terrible mistake.

It wasn’t just the fact that she was screaming, it was the fact that she had experienced the reason why they posted the sign in the first place. High-speed waterslides have been known to rip apart the insides of women, and she experienced something similar.

I guess we all have to live and learn sometimes.